Over the past two years we have donated over £600,000 to NI causes, beckoning the Federation of Small Businesses’ (FSB) Community accolade.

We are starting the year on a high as we celebrate winning a prestigious Federation of Small Businesses’ (FSB) Award for its services to the community.

Hagan Homes came out top in FSB’s Community category thanks to its multitude of charitable initiatives. This includes our pledge to donate £30,000 to more than six worthy NI causes to mark its 30th anniversary in 2019. It went on to multiply that figure to more than £600,000, which was allocated to a number of charity organisations province wide, helping support all members and generations in our community. 

Among our community work was a donation of £70,000 to bring 100 vulnerable children to Lapland in 2019 with the NI Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust; £30,000 funding to provide a new Street Outreach Vehicle for the Welcome Organisation as well as providing £75,000 to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, which will see 1,000 children at Sure Start centres across Belfast receive a free book every month to help develop their language and literacy skills.

We have built over 4,000 houses since 1988, and we continue to support the latter charities, and more, making an impact on everything from the arts sector to local hospices, counselling services to homeless organisations as well as sporting clubs and educational charities.

Speaking about the win, Chair and Founder James Hagan said: “We are delighted to be acknowledged by The Federation of Small Businesses for our community work in recent years. For us it has been an honour to be in a position to support all of the groups that we work with.

“At Hagan Homes we firmly believe that home is where the heart is, and this expression is embedded in the company’s culture. We do all we can to put the heart into local communities, whether that's reviving once-vibrant neighbourhoods through new developments or by building meaningful partnerships with organisations involved in health, arts, education and sport.

“This year, more than ever; when all resources are stretched at local charities and many of our communities have struggled, we have been able to see the tangible difference that our support can make during trying times. 

“While we don’t give to get credit, it’s an honour to receive this award. To be recognised by a reputable organisation such as FSB for our work in the community reinforces the fact that we are more than just a name at a building site; we play a role in local communities and we will continue giving for the next 30 years and beyond.”

FSB NI Regional Chair, Brendan Kearney said:

“The value of SMEs is not only through the wealth and opportunities they create in the local economy, but also the immense contribution they bring to wider society. That is the purpose of the Community Award - to appropriately recognise those businesses which have gone above and beyond in terms helping others. Through their many charitable initiatives and partnerships with sporting and cultural organisations, Hagan Homes are worthy winners of this Award and on behalf of FSB I would like to wish them the warmest of congratulations.”

We are in the midst of a 10-year plan to build 2,000 new homes, investing over £300million and creating hundreds of jobs in the local construction sector.