Hagan Homes on track to raise £30k to make the dreams of life limited and terminally ill children come true
Five employees from Ballyclare-based Hagan Homes are aiming to raise £30,000 to send life limited or terminally ill children to Lapland this December through a sponsored abseil.
Jim Burke, Matthew Hamilton, Andrea Sinclair, Lorraine Weir and Stephen Mitchell completed the 51m abseil, down the Europa Hotel in Belfast, yesterday (Sunday 23 June 2019).
The team has already raised £10,570 via JustGiving and their employer, James Hagan, has agreed to match their fundraising effort. With the current total sitting at over £21k, a final push is being made to hit the £30,000 target.
The NI Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust is a charity that aims to fulfil the dreams of terminally ill, life limited and deserving children by taking them on a trip of a lifetime to see Santa at his home in Lapland.
Sixty-five individuals and local companies signed up for the abseil challenge, which was organised by NI Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust and facilitated on the day by Belfast Activity Centre.
Congratulating the Hagan Homes team, Colin Barkley, chair, NI Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust, said:
“The support of Hagan Homes has been nothing short of incredible! Our sincere thanks to James Hagan and everyone who supported the event so generously, and, of course, to Jim Burke and his intrepid team of abseilers!
“As we never tire of saying, the more money we raise, the more children we can help. It was a fabulous day for the charity, and we would like to congratulate and thank everyone who took part.”
Mr Barkley adds: "If you would still like to make a donation towards our next Lapland trip on 17 December 2019 you can do so through via our website www.niclt.org or our NICLT Just Giving page. All donations are so very appreciated.”
Jim Burke, Director of Sales and Acquisition at Hagan Homes, discusses the abseil:
“This was a great event, challenging but really worthwhile. I'd like to thank everyone who made a donation to the Hagan Homes' team. Though there is still time if you didn't get a chance, to donate, please check out our Just Giving page www.justgiving.com/fundraising/teamhagantaketheplunge”
"We have worked closely with NI Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust for many years. What they offer terminally ill or life-limited children and their families is absolutely priceless - creating magical memories by helping them to travel on a trip of a lifetime to Lapland. It is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding and deserving charities.”
In Northern Ireland, at any given time, there are over 1500 children suffering from a terminal illness or life-limiting illness.
The NI Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust does not receive any government or national funding; it is totally reliant on donations. Trips are made possible by the generosity of many individuals and companies.
Children are nominated by health workers based throughout all of the paediatric departments and hospitals in Northern Ireland. Doctors, nurses and allied health professionals give up their own time to volunteer to ensure the children can experience a magical time of memories.
The dates for the charity’s next abseil fundraising events are Saturday 17 August 2019 at Belfast Castle and Sunday 8 September 2019 at The Europa Hotel, Belfast.
For further information email fionanilaplandtrust@yahoo.co.uk or visit www.niclt.org