Let’s be real… COVID has turned us all into some kind of hoarder. Whether you couldn’t go a week without a gel manicure or took up some obsessive hobbies like creating your own sourdough starter. We’ve sat down with the amazing Sandy Keane, our interior designer to give you some top tips on how to get rid of that COVID Clutter!
1.Organise good storage systems
Let’s be honest, we all have that one drawer filled with rubbish where we go hunting if we need a hairclip or screwdriver, and that is totally socially acceptable. However, having a surplus of objects from LED nail lamps to random bread making equipment is not cool! Get yourself some storage boxes, even drawer dividers are a massive help! Organise those cupboards, you can get some nifty boxes these days, in all shapes and sizes.
2. Do little and often
Take it a room or even a cupboard at a time so it doesn’t feel like a monumental task! By taking your time you won’t get halfway through a clear out and find yourself surrounded in a pile of pruck and wonder why you ever started. Start small, tackle your sock drawer first and work up to the shed out the back that no one's touched in a few years! Hagan Hack - did you know decluttering helps reduce stress?
3. Tackle that wardrobe
We all had an obsession with active wear and comfies during lockdown - as acceptable as trackies are these days we don’t need a pair in every colour! Create a pile for keep, bin, recycle & store. Even get the gals round and re-enact that famous SITC scene - who says wardrobe clear outs can’t be fun? Also, stick to the rule - if I haven’t worn it in a year, will I? Most of the time it’s a no!
4. Keep your surfaces clear
As much as we all love to show off our new kitchen equipment or skin care, it’s too busy! Yes, we know they look cute, but they create mess… Keep your surfaces clear, minimalism is great for a clear mind. This is where you can introduce your new, cool storage boxes from tip 1.
5. Make storage fun
Storage doesn’t have to be loads of plastic boxes of vacuum pack bags filled with your winter wardrobe. You can be playful with it, invest in some baskets (they’re great for storing that cosy blanket that comes out on winter evenings). Think of how you can introduce clever hiding places like an ottoman at the end of your bed!
You’ll have lots of stuff you think is worthless to you, trust us someone will buy it. Like that inflatable pub you thought would be a good investment mid lockdown that has never seen the light of day… stick it up on Facebook marketplace or Gumtree - someone will snap it up! If you’ve got lots of clothes you no longer want, Depop them. It’s just like Instagram for clothes.
Follow these easy steps and you’ll be on the road to a clutter free life! It’s addictive - trust us! Just remember you don’t need to order a skip and do it all in one day (well, unless you want to), take your time and enjoy the nostalgia that comes along with it! We can guarantee there will defiantly be a few ‘Do you remember the time when I wore this’ throughout the process!